1. Toast pine nuts over medium heat in a small, heavy skillet. Toss often to equally toast. Deposit nuts into separate bowl and set aside.
  2. In now empty skillet, toast unpeeled garlic cloves over medium heat. Be sure to toss frequently, you’re looking for a deepening of color and toasty-spots to develop on the outer skin (you’ll also see them when you peel the garlic later). Set aside to cool.
  3. Place basil leaves in heavy-duty plastic bag. Pound bag with smooth side of meat pounder or rolling pin until all leaves a bruised. **NOTE ON BRUISING: Bruising is just what it sounds like-the basil leaves should have dark green spots and look almost mushy after you’re done. The leaves should no longer look fresh but aged.
  4. Peel and chop your garlic and add to the basin of your food processor with your toasted pine nuts, basil leaves, olive oil and salt. Process in food processor until fully incorporated, stopping at least once to scrape sides with spatula and ensure everything is fully pulverized.
  5. Boil water and add spaghetti noodles, cooking to desired thickness. Drain pasta.
  6. Add pesto to spaghetti, tossing until pasta is fully and evenly coated with pesto. Garnish with additional parmesan cheese, and serve!